A large dairy farmer turnout at a recent effluent management field day shows they want to do the right thing with the environment, says organiser Jon Palmer.
"We had about 100 farmers and industry professionals at the field day at the Tumunui Dairy property to see how its effluent system works," says Palmer, a sustainable agricultural advisor at Waikato Regional Council.
"It's excellent to see such farmer interest in managing dairy effluent."
Farmers at the event, held near Rotorua, were able to consult experts from DairyNZ, AgFirst and OPUS, and council staff. Dairy companies Fonterra and Miraka were on hand to talk about their environmental initiatives.
The council is talking one-to-one with farmers to help them ensure their effluent management systems are up to scratch, and is encouraging them to make improvements where required. It's part of a new region-wide approach.
"Farmers have been responding positively to this approach," says Palmer.