Friday, 17 May 2024 08:55

Moving animals, farms come with key responsibilities

Written by  Staff Reporters
It’s important to follow NAIT obligations when moving animals. It’s important to follow NAIT obligations when moving animals.

Moving farms or relocating your herd to a new place comes with important responsibilities as a PICA (Person in Charge of Animals) in the NAIT system.

Moving animals and farms can be a lot to handle and cause stress because there are many things to be done. However, it's important to follow NAIT obligations. These rules help keep track of animals in case there is a disease outbreak, making it easier to trace and manage herds effectively.

Tasks to complete before moving include tagging and registering animals, completing an Animal Status Declaration (ASD) form (electronically through online customer portal, MyOSPRI) and preparing a Declaration to Livestock Transporter (DLT), if the transporter asks for it.

Ensure your NAIT records are up to date, all animals are tagged, and completing all NAIT actions within the required timelines.

Confirm the health status of any animals that will be mixing with your animals on the new farm, and if necessary, make arrangements for testing, vaccinations etc. Keeping new animals separate for 7-14 days reduces the risk of introducing unwanted diseases.

Check there are no biosecurity restrictions or requirements on the new farm, for example because of M. bovis or Tb control.

Contact your insurer to confirm you have appropriate livestock transit cover in place before you move.

If you will be droving, try to find out from local farmers if they will also be droving and plan together how you will avoid each other.

Before Moving Day, clean and disinfect vehicles and machinery thoroughly to reduce the risk of spreading diseases, pests, and weeds.

Clean, and then disinfect, any equipment that is used in or on animals, for example drenching equipment.

Fix any maintenance issues that are your responsibility. If they are not your responsibility then ensure whoever it is knows what needs to be done, in writing.

Ensure effluent infrastructure is left as you found it, and/or is left according to your contractual obligations (e.g. effluent pond is required to be no more than one quarter full of effluent as at 1 June). If this is unlikely to be achieved, have a proactive conversation with appropriate parties.

Clean the sheds and plant appropriately. Clean the dairy shed to a high standard of cleanliness. This means all surfaces, vasts, pipelines, etc. Use only approved products.

Ensure you have clarified what it is you need/want the contractor to do. Make it clear where they will be going/working and advise them of anything they wouldn't expect that would be a risk to them.

Let them know of other activity on farm that could pose a risk to them. Advise them of farm rules (e.g. speed limits) and expectations of behaviour and of any relevant emergency procedures.

Make sure you have agreed your costs and have a written document of expectations. It is helpful for both parties to have an electronic copy and mark-up of a farm map.

Article by DairyNZ.

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