Tuesday, 15 January 2013 16:09

‘Watershed’ year for pork

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The NZPork Annual Report 2012 labels the last year a watershed for the industry with many positive changes.

While noting that the New Zealand pork industry has faced, and continues to face, tough challenges in the form of low returns, high grain costs and cheap imports, NZPork chairman Ian Carter says that in 2013 NZPork will focus on greater industry co-ordination to meet these challenges.

"For our industry to survive, all sectors including producers, government, wholesalers, processors and retailers need to add value, not just cost." He sums up the 2011/2012 financial year as "ending with beginnings - a range of new strategies and objectives, a new communications approach, a renewed marketing campaign, a new budget and a new business plan".

"We should be proud that we produce the world's favourite meat protein".

NZPork CEO, Owen Symmans is proud of the industry's attitude and achievements throughout 2012 and is looking forward to the challenges and changes in the year ahead.

"In 2013 the focus for NZPork will be on continuing to implement our new policies, expanding our marketing and communications, building coordination and cohesion within the industry and remaining among the world leaders for animal welfare, environmental practices and herd health status."

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