Thursday, 19 September 2024 14:09

Consultation begins on biosecurity system updates

Written by  Staff Reporters
Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard. Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard.

Today, public consultation begins on a series of proposals designed to strengthen New Zealand’s biosecurity system.

Included in those proposals are higher fines for passengers bringing in undeclared high-risk goods, greater flexibility surrounding import requirements, and fairer cost sharing for biosecurity responses.

Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says the future is about resilience, adding that the current Biosecurity Act – which is 30 years old – requires updating.

“A number of potential amendments are proposed to ensure it remains resilient and fit for the future,” Hoggard says.

He says New Zealand’s relative freedom from pests and diseases play a significant role in New Zealand’s competitive advantage, underpinning the country’s $53 billion food and fibre export industry.

“The Act is the legislative framework for the system that enables us to manage biosecurity risk and protect the economy and environment from harmful incursions,” Hoggard says. “This is important work, and we need input from primary industries, mana whenua, local authorities and the wider public to ensure we’ve got it right.”

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) will lead the policy programme to amend the Act.

Consultation materials, including seven discussion documents setting out policy proposals for change are on MPI’s website and can be accessed by visiting

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