Tuesday, 02 April 2024 09:55

SIDE 2024 registrations open

Written by  Staff Reporters
The South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) organising committee. The South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) organising committee.

Registrations for South Island Dairy Event (SIDE) 2024 are now open.

The highly anticipated SIDE is back for its 25th year, bringing together farmers from across the South Island for a two-day conference filled with valuable workshops and expert speakers. This year’s event will take place at Lincoln University, Canterbury from June 24th to June 26th, offering attendees the opportunity to gain insight into cutting-edge research and network with like-minded individuals.

“This is an event like no other,” said Jonny Hoets, event chair of SIDE 2024.

“It’s not just about learning new strategies or techniques; it’s about embracing change and excelling through challenges.”

The programme includes a lineup of workshop topics that address key issues facing South Island dairy farmers today. With keynote speakers including ex Australian SAS medic Dan Pronk, Fonterra’s chief science & technology officer Jeremy Hill, and Hemprino and Meat the Need founder Siobhan O’Malley on board, attendees can expect to be inspired by industry leaders who are paving the way for success in their industries.

“We believe that empowering dairy farmers is crucial to creating positive opportunities for growth,” said Hoets.

“By attending SIDE 2024, participants will have the chance to learn how to improve their businesses while adapting to changing consumer demands and regulatory requirements.”

In addition to informative workshops and expert presentations, attendees can opt in to visiting Lincoln University’s research farms on Monday, June 24th. This field trip will provide a firsthand look at the latest research programs being conducted at Ashley Dean and Lincoln University Research Dairy Farm (LUDF), offering valuable insights into innovative practices that could benefit their own operations.

BrightSIDE is also back and this ear participants will kick off their day by joining the main SIDE event at Lincoln University in the morning before heading to Ashley Dene, one of Lincoln University’s research farms. Here they will rotate through various workshops focusing on different aspects of farming, such as hoof trimming, pasture management, and calving and production.

For more information or to register for SIDE 2024 visit https://www.side.org.nz/Event-Details

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