Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
China farms finally sold
After years of losses, Fonterra's two wholly owned China farming hubs in Ying and Yutian have been sold.
More grass, more milk
Fonterra collected more milk in February thanks to better pasture growth in most parts of the country.
Three co-op tankers in the hunt to carry white gold
A familiar sight on our roads, Fonterra's milk tankers provide the vital link in getting the "white gold" off dairy farms and into the nation's milk factories.
No fooling around
Tanker drivers roped in for fundraiser
Fonterra's Pahiatua and Longburn based tanker operators have proven the benefits of pulling together - quite literally - by hauling their trucks by hand for charity.
15,500 submissions on climate change
The Climate Change Commission has received over 15,5000 public submissions on its first draft advice to the Government.
Kiwi dairy- world's most emissions efficient
Fonterra says New Zealand dairy farmers are among the most carbon-efficient dairy producers in the world.
Belinda Price named Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year
Whanganui sharemilker Belinda Price has been announced as the 2021 Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year at Thursday night’s gala awards dinner in Taupo.
Lack of gas may derail coal plan
Fonterra is on target to drop coal-fired boilers from its New Zealand manufacturing sites by 2037 as proposed by the Climate Change Commission.