Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Settled GDT prices lead to 5c dip in payout midpoint
Record opening forecast farmgate milk price from Fonterra!
Good news for Fonterra farmers: the co-operative has announced an opening forecast farmgate milk price range for the 2021-22 season of $7.25 - $8.75/kgMS, with a midpoint of $8/kgMS.
Fonterra's top brass out to sell capital restructure plans
Fonterra's board and management are on the road to discuss capital structure options with farmer shareholders.
Capital review a 'cop out'
Northland farmer Bruce Hayes is labelling the timing of Fonterra’s latest capital structure review “a cop-out”.
Industry backs recycling scheme
An on-farm plastic recycling initiative, Plasback, seems to be gaining momentum as the agricultural industry moves to reduce its environmental impact.
Capital structure review underway
Fonterra's board and management get on the road from this week to discuss capital structure options with farmer shareholders.
Have your say!
Fonterra farmer shareholders are being urged to have their say about how the co-operative's new capital structure should look.
Fonterra unveils capital structure plans
Fonterra's dilemma
OPINION: The Chinese owners of Australia’s biggest and oldest dairy farming business are facing scrutiny from authorities and all eyes are on Fonterra.
Organic export market dominated by milk
New Zealand's organic export market has been ‘dominated’ by dairy, according to the latest market sector report released by Organics Aotearoa New Zealand (OANZ).