man o war
Most people might assume organic growing methods are better for biodiversity, but a new study by Plant & Food Research scientists shows a different approach can work just as well.
Published in General News
A Masterton farming family is giving orphan lambs a fighting chance of surviving the unpredictability of harsh, early spring weather.
Published in Farm Health
The Government’s announcement of $44 million to support freshwater improvement projects is welcomed by Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ).
Published in General News
“Have clippers, will travel” could be the motto of Mid-Canterbury’s Luke Gilbert.
Published in Management
Like all agricultural innovations, crop protection products have evolved tremendously since their inception.
Published in Opinion
Government funding for a nationwide project to better protect waterways, by measuring and managing nitrogen on cropping farms, has been welcomed by Horticulture New Zealand.
Published in General News
The first question that needs to be answered is; What should a high health vine look like?
Published in General News
Fertiliser co-op Ravensdown is paying a total annual rebate of $45 per tonne to its farmer shareholders after a third year of strong results.
Published in General News
New Zealand farmer Matt Iremonger has won the highly-regarded Australasian business award for a strategic business plan he developed for a start-up farming enterprise in North Canterbury.
Published in General News
Research shows that cows bred for low urea concentration end up using more nitrogen for milk protein productions.
Published in Management
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