man o war
Many farms are not where they should be in average pasture cover for this time of year.
Published in Management
Two dairy women – “humble and leading from the heart” – are among nominees in the Westpac ‘Women of Influence’ awards scheme.
Published in Agribusiness
Holstein Friesian New Zealand (HFNZ) believes the next big thing in the bull industry has arrived.
Published in Agribusiness
A Tasmanian dairy farmer’s milk is going into high-nutrition foods for ageing Japanese, Fonterra reports.
Published in World News
China is likely to remain the largest export market for New Zealand dairy products – but watch out for competition from Australia, a new report warns.
Published in General News
Butter prices last week burst through the US$6000/tonne mark for the first time in GDT Event history, hitting US$6004/t for the tenth time this year.
Published in General News
Buyers appear comfortable with the current whole milk powder (WMP) prices despite predictions of higher production in New Zealand, says Rabobank dairy analyst Emma Higgins.
Published in General News
Russia's ban on imported agricultural products, including dairy products, is due to end in December 2017, boosting global dairy prices, says an industry report.
Published in General News
Best known for its enduring off-road ability, the Toyota Land Cruiser has added another plaudit to its CV – notching up the title Fastest SUV.
Published in Motoring
While telehandlers are gaining acceptance in New Zealand, they still only sell in relatively small numbers compared to the UK, where 50% of agricultural operations are reckoned to use them.
Published in Machinery & Products
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