Tuesday, 05 May 2015 00:00

Record confirmed

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Warren Darling, Guinness World Record holder. Warren Darling, Guinness World Record holder.

Timaru farmers Warren and Joy Darling are now the Guinness World Record (GWR) holders for the highest barley yield. 

As first reported in Rural News February 3, the world record attempt took place in January this year and was ratified by GWR on April 15 with a yield of 13.8t/ha from the Blackman Agriculture bred variety 776.

“It was like being back in school knowing you had done really well on a test, but until you receive the final mark, it is an anxious time,” Warren Darling commented.

He says all three generations of the Darling family came together on the day of the record attempt: it was a family affair and a momentous day for the Poplar Grove team. 

“The satisfaction from achieving world record status is incredible,” Darling adds. “It is outstanding that the South Canterbury region of New Zealand is recognised on the global stage for growing world record breaking crops.”

Participating companies in the Guinness World Record attempt include the Exclusive Grain Group (Blackman Agriculture UK and Canterbury Seed), Agronomy Solutions, Ballance Agri-Nutrients, Bayer CropScience, Claas Harvest Centre Canterbury, Power Farming Timaru and Rabobank.

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