Wednesday, 23 February 2022 10:01

Enhanced Taskforce Green approved for Buller and Southern Tasman Districts

Written by  Staff Reporters
A flood-ravaged cow shed in Inangahua Valley, West Coast. A flood-ravaged cow shed in Inangahua Valley, West Coast.

The Government has activated Enhanced Taskforce Green (ETFG) in response to flooding in the Buller and southern Tasman districts.

“The recent flooding has been a significant and adverse event damaging farms, homes, roads and bridges,” says Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni.

“Part of the Government’s wider response to the recovery is making funding available so that local councils or other authorised agencies can hire job seekers to help with the clean-up,” says Sepuloni.

She says the funding will help farmers complete clean-up work on their properties, including clearing debris.

“Across the West Coast and southern Tasman districts, damage assessments are being carried out. The Ministry of Social Development will work with agencies to make sure Enhanced Task Force Green assistance is provided as soon as possible to farmers in need of this support.”

On 13 February, the Government contributed $300,000 to support the region to recover from recent weather events.

Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor classified the severe weather as a medium-scale adverse event for the West Coast and Top of the South, unlocking $200,000 of Government support for farmers and growers.

Emergency Management Minister Kiritapu Allan announced $100,000 for the Mayoral Relief Fund to support Buller District residents, nothing the Government was on standby to provide further relief as needed.

Farmers and growers can self-register for clean-up help by contacting the Flood Recovery Coordinator on 027 394 6149.

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