Wednesday, 16 October 2024 11:25

Tatua's just too-good

Written by  Milking It

OPINION: Earlier this month, small Waikato milk processor Tatua reminded the country that it’s still number one when it comes to paying farmers for their milk.

A final payout of $10.50/kgMS means Tatua’s 107 supplying shareholders will get over $2/kgMS more than other farmers around the country - a hard pill to swallow for some farmers, who are struggling to raise their businesses out of deficits.

The question is what is Tatua’s point of difference? It can’t be size because apart from Fonterra, other processors – Miraka, Westland, Synlait and even Open Country Dairy- are almost the same size as Tatua.

Farmers won’t be wrong in asking - if Tatua can do it, why not their processor?

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