Making farming easy is what the TechniPharm team says it lives for.
With a 35-year reputation in the market pace, the company says their products solutions are innovative and well proven.
One of their innovations, the Dungbuster Auto yard cleaning system, is now employed at many dairy sheds around the country. And when it comes to measuring productivity improvements, Dungbuster is at the top of the list, the company says.
With most yards taking between one to two hours a day to clean by manual yard hose, it’s a “labour sucker”.
“With Dungbuster this time requirement is eliminated: That is not a 100% productivity improvement or a 1000% improvement, it’s an eliminating improvement.
“Freeing up time for far more important jobs or creating more time to recharge for the day ahead, or an evening game or outing with the family.
“Additional benefits amount to reduced water use, reduced effluent creation, reduced power use, and reduced greenhouse gasses. All in all the investment in Dungbuster delivers and continues to deliver day after day.”
Technipham points out that one of their long term users of Dunbustger has described it ‘as a game changer on my farm’.
Talk to the TechniPharm team on site 17 at Dairy Expo and inspect their other Make Farming Ezy solutions in hoofcare, animal handling, yards, effluent storage and general tools and aids.