Displaying items by tag: CHRISTOPHER LUXON

Not all farmers are happy with a new panel set up by the Government to advice on new methane emissions targets.

Published in Rural News

Fonterra is opening a sixth application centre in China to boost its growing foodservice business.

Published in General News

Zespri has launched a global campaign focused on encouraging people to eat better to help tackle health challenges and improve lives around the world.

Published in General News

One of the country's leading experts on China has praised the NZ Government for its handling of the recent incident with China over that country's cyber attack on two of our parliamentary institutions in 2021.

Published in General News
Friday, 12 April 2024 10:55

PM opens new Power Farming facility

Morrinsville based Power Farming Group has launched a flagship New Zealand facility in partnership with global construction manufacturer JCB Construction.

Published in Machinery & Products
Thursday, 15 February 2024 09:25

New minister's hort focus

The new Minister of Horticulture, Nicola Grigg, says the reason that she came into Parliament was because of her interest in and commitment to agriculture.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 14 February 2024 10:55

Editorial: Turn off the TV!

OPINION: "The treaty is our past, present and future. It has shaped the country we have become, and the obligations it imposes on both sides will always be with us. However, we must aspire to go forward not as two sides, but together as New Zealanders because there is more than unites us than divides us."

Published in Opinion
Thursday, 16 November 2023 13:23

New ofi milk plant inaugurated

New Zealand’s newest dairy plant was officially opened in Tokoroa this morning.

Published in General News
Thursday, 02 November 2023 10:50

Worried greenies

OPINION: The greenies are worried that National will reverse decisions made by the outgoing Labour Government around sustainability and climate change.

Published in Milking It
Wednesday, 27 September 2023 13:55

National promises to fee up on farm water storage

An incoming National government will abolish resource consents for building water storage on farmland.

Published in General News
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Synlait slump

OPINION: Synlait's woes continue to drag the company down. The listed milk processor’s share price dropped to an all-time low…

One levy

OPINION: Industry-good bodies have had a torrid time recently, with some facing backlash from farmers particularly over their stance on…

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