man o war
PLANS BY Labour to slash household electricity prices have been criticised by some in rural sector. 
Published in Opinion
THE 11 finalists competing for the 2013 New Zealand Farm Manager of the Year title are split between contract milkers and farm managers – as well as age, experience, and farm size.
Published in Management
WORK AND careful management has transformed dealing with effluent from a major chore into a valuable resource for a Whangarei couple.
Published in Management
MPI’S RELEASE of a ‘formal’ animal welfare strategy affirms New Zealand farmers’ leadership in looking after their livestock, says Federated Farmers president Bruce Wills.
Published in Farm Health
ON DISPLAY on the Origin Agroup stand at the Central Districts Field Days were two of the latest hay rakes from Pottinger – the TOP 852 C and the TOP 972 C.
Published in Machinery & Products
GROWING USE of feedpads and separators for removing and stockpiling effluent for later disposal ensured plenty of interest in the Kuhn effluent spreader shown by the company at Central District Field Days.
Published in Machinery & Products
THE NEW Kia Cerato sedan, newly arrived in New Zealand, is larger than the outgoing model and is said to be the biggest compact sedan in its class, the company says.
Published in Machinery & Products
THINK BVD when attending bull sales over the coming months, say vets.
Published in Farm Health
A Te Puke kiwifruit orchard severely impacted by Psa has just returned its second successful harvest of the new kiwifruit gold variety, G3, with 8,513 trays harvested from a 0.61ha block.
Published in General News
After two gruelling days of competition Tim Van de Molen of the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Region is the 2013 ANZ Young Farmer Contest Champion.
Published in General News
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