man o war
A new action plan between Australia and New Zealand will see defences against the threat of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) strengthened.
Published in General News
FENCE technology company Kiwitech systems could bring in $480/ha in extra income in areas as small as 10ha, claims Northland agent Ron McCloy.
Published in Machinery & Products
The Dairy Women's Network will develop the country's first leadership programme specifically for women working in the dairy industry using a $180,000 grant from the Ministry of Primary Industries' Sustainable Farming Fund.
Published in General News
The first Beef + Lamb New Zealand environmental leadership forum has been hailed as a success. Twenty five sheep and beef farming leaders attended the B+LNZ -funded event, held in Wellington from April 16 to April 18.
Published in General News
FONTERRA CHAIRMAN John Wilson says a decision to defer capacity adjustment charges will help drought-stricken farmers.
Published in General News
DROUGHT RAVAGED farmers are turning to ANZ for financial relief and assistance.
Published in General News
BETTER CONTROL of livestock is the promised payback from work by a Massey University industrial designer and Gallagher Animal Management to produce gear to enable farm workers to discover potential faults in their electric fencing.
Published in General News
RECORD ENTRIES in this year’s Dairy Industry Awards, which wrapped up late last week with the West Coast/Top of the South region, were achieved despite a record low in Otago.
Published in General News
CAN CANTERBURY repeat its clean sweep of the Dairy Industry Awards come the national event in Wellington in May? That question was posed at last week’s Canterbury / North Otago regional final awards night in Ashburton, prompted by the region’s representatives having taken all three titles last year.
Published in General News
NEWS THAT Miraka has signed a multimillion-dollar, joint-venture deal with Shanghai Pengxin to produce UHT milk shows how smart our small, entrepreneurial companies can be. 
Published in Opinion
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