man o war
DAIRY GIANT Fonterra is responsible for most of New Zealand’s dairy exports and accounts for approximately one-third of global trade.
Published in Opinion
BAYER WANTS double digit growth in Australasia, and some of that will come from New Zealand innovation, says Bayer’s new chief for Australia and New Zealand, Dr Jacqueline Applegate.
Published in Agribusiness
Mention the word ‘conversion’ in the context of land use, and most people assume you’re talking dairy conversion. But now the term is being applied to another trend: lucerne conversion. Andrew Swallow reports.
Published in Management
[NZ] is about 90%. They were also getting lamb growth rates up to 320g/day.
Published in Management
TRANSITIONING LIVESTOCK onto winter crops needs extra care this year where stock, especially pregnant ewes, are already in less than ideal condition due to drought.
Published in Farm Health
Consumer research has revealed 72% of people in Asia see dairy as an important part of a balanced diet. However, the research also shows less than half of the 9000 people surveyed in nine countries are eating dairy on a daily basis.
Published in General News
A focus on relationships with some of China's leading dairy brands is earning accolades for Canterbury's Synlait Milk Ltd (Synlait).
Published in General News
Federated Farmers told Environment Southland (ES) at an annual plan hearing their proposal to heap additional costs on to the region's dairy farmers, by increasing a rating differential on dairy land use, makes no sense.
Published in General News
Westland Milk Products has announced a payout prediction for the 2013-14 season of $6.60 to $7kg/MS, an increase of 60 to 70 cents on the current season.
Published in General News
Fonterra's forecast payout for the 2013/14 will significantly boost dairy farmers' spirits after a tough season impacted by the worst drought for 70 years, says DairyNZ.
Published in General News
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