man o war
A STRATEGY shift a few years ago to integrate the dairy and sheep and beef units with a flexible stocking policy provided a step change in performance for large-scale Maori-owned farm business, Te Uranga B2.
Published in Management
FROM JUNE 1 it will be mandatory to have an amber beacon flashing on farm vehicles on the road.
Published in Management
HOUSE BRANDS are going viral: a catchy heading, but a real-life threat to those on the land. 
Published in Opinion
THERE’S PLENTY of money out in the global economy right now looking for a “safe” home, Westpac economist Nathan Penny says.
Published in Agribusiness
NEW ZEALAND winemaker Delegat’s Group has spread its wings to Australia. It has bought Barossa Valley Estate in South Australia for A$25 million, to be settled in June.  Barossa, a grape grower-owned co-op, went into receivership in January.  Australian media report that Woolworths had also bid for the winemaker through its subsidiary Cellarmasters. Delegat’s has bought Barossa’s modern 5000 tonne winery and a 41ha vineyard on 80ha. The deal includes Barossa Valley Estate and E&E brands and grape grower contracts. Delegat’s managing director Jim Delegat describes the acquisition as “an ideal fit with the group’s portfolio of high quality wine assets. We look forward to the opportunity of building one of the world’s great shiraz brands from the iconic Barossa region.” Barossa Valley is recognised globally for producing world-class shiraz.
Published in Agribusiness
BEEF+LAMB NEW Zealand chair Mike Petersen says his organisation will do what it can to help the group of farmers campaigning for changes in the meat industry.
Published in General News
DON’T SAY we didn’t warn you, say the authors of a damning report on the PKE supply chain. Their warning comes after the Ministry for Primary Industry (MPI) said it had no concerns about Malaysian imports into New Zealand.
Published in General News
Lincoln University has formed a new Farms Committee to oversee the development of the 3900ha of farmland owned and operated by the university.
Published in General News
An industry-backed trip to Asia has given Otago farmers Blair and Jane Smith a deeper understanding of the challenges facing marketers of New Zealand meat and dairy products.
Published in General News
THE 34 FINALISTS in the 2013 New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards are now known.
Published in General News
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