man o war
A WAIRARAPA agribusiness consulting company, Baker and Associates, is setting up a special unit to meet growing demand from farmers for help in dealing with new environmental regulations.
Published in General News
THE LABOUR Party and the Green Party recently announced plans to establish a new agency, New Zealand Power, to act as a single buyer of wholesale electricity.
Published in Opinion
SUPPLIERS TO Synlait Milk can earn 6c/kgMS more for their milk next season, and possibly 12c/kgMS after that, if they achieve new, internationally accredited assurance standards.
Published in Agribusiness
HIGH FARM production and heavy stocking rates need not burden the environment, say brother and sister Shayne and Charmaine O’Shea, this year’s supreme winners of the Ballance Northland Farm Environmental Awards.
Published in Management
A LARGE crowd turned out this month to a field day to see how a young couple won the Manawatu/Horowhenua/ Rangitikei  Farm Manager of the Year Award.
Published in Management
A FARM consultant in Manawatu/Rangitikei questions a belief that because pasture has ‘gone green’, farmers are out of trouble. This is not so, says Lindsay Rowe, who is a vet.
Published in Farm Health
A THREE-YEAR experiment with mixed pastures could have big implications for future management of environmental impacts.
Published in Farm Health
The contest for the Rural Bachelor of the Year is back and better than ever but entries close on Monday.
Published in General News
Taranaki's flagship riparian management programme, which has "gone the extra mile" in developing relationships with dairy farmers, has been recognised for its outstanding contribution to protecting the environment.
Published in General News
Milk production will be boosted up by at least 6% next season, but meat production will take longer to recover from the drought, the BNZ forecasts in its Rural Wrap.
Published in General News
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