man o war
FOR 40 YEARS, we at ANZ have been pulling on our gumboots and getting in among it at National Fieldays. 
Published in Machinery & Products
A Tatua director and Waikato sheep farmer Ross Townshend has been appoint chief executive of Wools of New Zealand.
Published in General News
A NEW pasture meter launching at Fieldays by C-Dax is automated, coming with a control console. It can be used on the company’s spreaders and sprayers.
Published in Machinery & Products
RUNNING A profitable farm is always a ‘work in progress’, says Grant Wills, co-winner with partner Karen Preston of the Supreme Award for the Waikato region of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards.
Published in Management
THE JERSEY breed was one of the foundation stones of the New Zealand dairy industry; not so today with the number and popularity of these brown cows diminishing initially in favour of the larger-framed Friesians but more latterly for crossbreds. 
Published in Farm Health
Federated Farmers is encouraging South Island farmers to enter a competition to discover who could become the South Island's farmer of farmers.
Published in General News
The recent decline in the NZD, low interest rates, a good breaking of the drought, plus good dairy prices have left farmers in good heart at this year's national Fieldays, says BNZ chief economist Tony Alexander.
Published in General News
A hand-held device used to read ear tags on farm animals, developed by Massey industrial designer Tony Parker and technology company Gallagher, has won the inaugural International Innovation Award at Fieldays.
Published in General News
Judges were overwhelmed by the high standard of entries in the Fieldays Innovation Competition at Fieldays yesterday.
Published in Rural Life
The 7400 bales on offer in the North Island today saw strong demand due to the lack of wool as a result of drought and in particular in the South Island wet weather conditions delaying shearing.
Published in General News
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