Monday, 20 October 2014 10:44

Weed control in fodder beet

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A HERBICIDE made by Zelam, now into its third year of use, kills weeds in beet crops. 


Beetrix contains three active ingredients for broad spectrum weed kills.  The maker says the three actives (ethofumesate, metamitron and phenmedipham) have complementary modes of action to give an overlapping spectrum of activity.  

“Until recently farmers have had to tank mix different herbicides to kill a range of weeds.  Beetrix provides single product convenience and flexibility.”

The herbicide will kill or suppress redroot amaranthus, prostrate amaranthus, black nightshade, cleavers, fathen, field pansy, hairy nightshade, hedge mustard, little flowered mallow, scrambling speedwell, stinging nettle, stinking mayweed, shepherds purse, spurrey, storksbill, twin cress, vervain, wild portulaca, willow weed and wireweed.

Timing of application is critical to get the best out of Beetrix, Zeelam says.  “Use it at any time from sowing as weeds germinate. Repeat as further weeds germinate and to kill larger weeds through to crop closure.”  

The company says it can be safely sprayed at any crop stage even when split germinations occur.  

However, soil moisture before and after application is important for root uptake and to ensure weeds are growing at this time. 

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