Monday, 22 July 2024 15:55

Nominations open for DairyNZ Board

Written by  Staff Reporters
DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel departs the board this year. DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel departs the board this year.

Opportunities for passionate, future-focused farmers to apply their governance experience are available at DairyNZ, with the Board of Directors nominations now open.

This year nominations are called for two farmer-elected DairyNZ Board of Director positions and one Directors’ Remuneration Committee member position.

DairyNZ chair Jim van der Poel departs the board this year. He says farmer-elected directors with past governance or leadership experience bring diverse insights to the board.

“It is an exciting time to be involved with DairyNZ, as our new strategy sharpens our focus on the future, to better meet the needs of farmers and our sector,” he says.

Van der Poel says new directors will connect and engage with farmers, stakeholders and policy makers to support the execution of the strategy.

He says ideal candidates will have a strong understanding of farm systems, research, policy and advocacy as well as good networks, strong business and financial skills, and governance experience.

“Both DairyNZ’s Board and staff are passionate about the sector and progressing the new strategy, and we want people who share this enthusiasm and interest to apply,” he says.

Two farmer director positions are open, with van der Poel stepping down, and Jacqueline Rowarth retiring by rotation.  

Nominations are also being taken for one farmer to join the DairyNZ Directors’ Remuneration Committee, which independently considers and recommends remuneration for directors each year.

All farmers paying a levy on milksolids to DairyNZ are eligible to stand for the Board of Directors and the Remuneration Committee. Candidates must be nominated by two DairyNZ levy payers.

Candidate nominations for all three positions must be received by the Returning Officer by 12 noon on Friday, August 9, 2024.

If an election is confirmed, farmer voting will take place during September and October, with the successful candidates announced at DairyNZ’s annual general meeting on October 22 in Canterbury.

For more information on the nomination process visit

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