The deal advances the development of ten high-tech dairy farms in Russia using Milfos technology. The agreement was signed at the New Zealand embassy in Moscow during free trade negotiations between New Zealand and Russia-Belarus and Kazakstan.
Carter and Trade Minister Tim Groser were present.
Carter says the deal indicates the sort of business that will be done as New Zealand develops closer relationships with Russia.
“Fonterra has an involvement in Russia but of the privately owned companies this is the first deal that I am aware of. There are huge opportunities. Just flying over Russia you can see it’s flat and fertile and there are opportunities for substantial development and therefore opportunities for companies such as Milfos, Gallaghers, etc, to get up there and sell products.”
Milfos managing director Jamie Mikkelson says the deal will mean ten farms milking up to 10,000 cows will be developed using the company’s technology.