GE release 'will taint NZ's reputation, cost billions'
OPINION: At the September Fonterra results meeting in Waihi, I raised concerns about the viability and risks of releasing GE in New Zealand.
The dairy industry is facing the prospect of losing some highly skilled staff because they are not fully vaccinated.
Dairy companies around the country are individually going through a risk assessment process and consulting staff on whether or not to mandate vaccinations for staff.
Dairy Workers Union national secretary Chris Flatt told Dairy News he fears that some workers may be lost to the industry because of their anti-vaccination stance.
The union represents 8,500 workers in the industry and Flatt says the key focus of the union is about people's health and safety when they go to work.
He says, like the rest of society, there are conflicting views within the dairy industry workforce on the issues of vaccination.
"What we have heard is that the majority of our members support vaccination. They want to be safe at work and have received double vaccination. But there are those within our union, like in wider society, who don't agree with that and we are trying to support them as well," he says.
Flatt says his union has been heavily involved in the consultation processes on risk assessments with those companies they have collective agreements with. There is only one they don't have an agreement with. He says the process has been fair and they feel thir concerns have been listened to.
He notes that while they may not agree with everything, they accept the fact that companies have the right in law to put in place a vaccination mandate for their staff.
The union has the challenging task of supporting both those who are vaccinated and those who are not. In the case of the latter, Flatt says they are working with these people to see if they can get a vaccination or possibly an exemption, which some companies are offering in certain circumstances - particularly on medical grounds.
"But we also have members who tell us they want to turn up to work and be safe at work and not be around, potentially, those that could spread the virus," he says.
Flatt says there are some tough conversations still to be had before companies make a final decision on how to manage their respective risks around the highly-transmissable Omicron variant. Talks are ongoing in this respect and while it appears that most will mandate vaccinations, Dairy News is aware that at least one company will not,k because of low vaccination rates in its milk catchment area.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will be fronting farmers at three large public meetings organised by Federated Farmers over the coming weeks.
Federated Farmers and a major Australian-owned bank are at loggerheads over emissions reduction targets set for New Zealand farmer clients.
More locally grown tomatoes are coming to stores this month and you can thank New Zealand greenhouses for that.
Changing skill demands and new job opportunities in the primary sector have prompted Massey University to create a new degree course and add a significant major into another in 2025.
It was bringing in a new Canterbury A&P Association (CAPA) show board, more in tune with the CAPA general committee, that has ensured that Christchurch will have a show this year, says CAPA general committee president Bryce Murray.
OPINION: Hats off to our pipfruit sector.
OPINION: The country's dairy farmers will now also have a hand in providing free lunch for schools.
OPINION: The abrupt departure of Synlait chief executive Grant Watson could be a sign that Chinese company Bright Dairy, the…