Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
The Wright man for the job?
Small dairy farmers content with their lot
New Lincoln University research has found many small dairy farmers are content with the size of their operation, despite the constant calls for economic growth.
FE arrives early
Facial eczema (FE) has hit Horowhenua much earlier than normal due to lots of rain and high temperatures.
Great farmer turnout for effluent day
A fantastic dairy farmer turnout at a recent effluent management field day is a sign of the sector's commitment to doing the right thing by the environment, says organiser Jon Palmer.
Help near at hand as pressure grows on farm
Onfarm cash income of farmers from all milk production this season will be under $4/kgMS, according to DairyNZ.
Help cows chill out
Another tough season ahead for farmers
The drop in the forecast farmgate milk price from Fonterra will reduce overall dairy revenues by a further $800 million, says DairyNZ.
Farmers spend $8m to lift lake health
West Coast farmers have spent at least $8 million on conservation efforts to improve the water quality of Lake Brunner.
Production dips in price response
Fonterra's milk collection across New Zealand last month dipped 3% compared to the same month last year.
Let’s work together
Like a lot of dairy farmers, I am pretty happy about farewelling 2015, and looking ahead to a New Year with better prospects and farmgate milk prices.