Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Tractor-driving beneficiaries
Winning the contest was a bonus
Te Pahu farmer Noldy Rust entered a pasture competition late last year only because the organisers were looking for more entries.
Industry group well advanced on bobby calf initiatives
The eight organisations that formed a Bobby Calf Action Group at the end of 2015 are well advanced on a range of initiatives ensuring best practice handling and management of bobby calves.
Should we teach other countries how to farm?
Sharing knowledge on New Zealand farming systems needs to be on a win-win basis, says DairyNZ chief executive Tim Mackle.
Upcoming dairy talent drawn by scholarships
Taking a breather to share thoughts
With the GDT auction index continuing soggy or worse, unusual weather patterns and debt troubling many farmers, how are they coping at farm level?
Cow condition a worry in Northland
Poor conception rates may mask BVD
NZ dairy farmers are being encouraged to be vigilant about bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) which DairyNZ says affects up to 60% of dairy cows and 90% of herds.
DairyNZ plan refocus on pasture
The New Zealand dairy industry has lost its way on growing and utilising pasture, says DairyNZ chief executive, Tim Mackle.
Summer threat of yellow bristle grass spread
Farmers are being reminded that this time of year is a peak one for the spread between properties of the damaging pest plant yellow bristle grass.