Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Editorial: GMO furore
DairyNZ seeks more cash
For the first time in 17 years, DairyNZ wants farmers to contribute more cash to run the industry-good organisation.
Lower N use doesn’t mean less profit
Reducing nitrogen inputs does not necessarily mean reducing profits, says DairyNZ principal scientist Ina Pinxterhuis.
DairyNZ seeking associate director
‘Nanobubble’ trial trims irrigation water usage
North Canterbury dairy farmer and recently-elected deputy chair of DairyNZ, Cameron Henderson, is enjoying a huge reduction in irrigation water use after converting a pivot irrigator to drag perforated drip tubes across the ground instead of elevated sprinkler heads.
Ready to walk the talk
DairyNZ's Kirsty Verhoek ‘walks the talk’, balancing her interests in animal welfare, agricultural science and innovative dairy farming.
Industry leader not afraid to break the mould
North Canterbury dairy farmer and recently elected deputy chair of DairyNZ, Cameron Henderson is not afraid to break the mould when it comes to finding farming systems that work for him.
Farmers faring well amid summer heat
Dairy farmers are faring well despite data showing above average temperatures for most of the country.
Multiple levies irk farmers
In its submission on proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act, DairyNZ says its levy-paying members invested more than $60 million across the biosecurity system last year, through multiple biosecurity levies across several entities and legislative frameworks to collect this funding.
Opportunity for more integration crucial - DairyNZ
DairyNZ says a more integrated and sustainably-funded biosecurity system is needed as part of changes to the Biosecurity Act 1993.