Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Dairy farmers: help yourself
Kiwifruit growers are throwing their support behind dairy farmers suffering from two successive years of low payout.
Dairy can learn from kiwifruit experience
Vine disease (Psa) has had a positive impact on the kiwifruit industry, given where it is today, says Zespri International chief operating office Simon Limmer.
A great story to tell — Editorial
New Zealand special agricultural trade envoy Mike Petersen says NZ desperately needs to develop a new primary sector story to help sell its products to the world.
DairyNZ levy to take a hit
Pain spreads, paving way for price gain
Cash tap turned off for Landcorp
State-owned farmer Landcorp will not be getting any new capital to spend on its farms, as the Government imposes on SOEs a more rigorous process for new investment.
SIDE to look at saving time
How many times over the last week have you or anyone on your farm had to wait for something, or spent time searching for a misplaced item?
DairyNZ standing in farmers’ boot on welfare rules
DairyNZ says its submission on proposed new animal welfare regulations will be made from a farmer's perspective.
PKE still a useful supplement
A pasture-first approach to New Zealand dairy farming can be complemented by wise use of supplements such as PKE, says DairyNZ.
Watch the grass grow
Dairy farm owners are paying a lot more attention to what's happening on their farms – especially pasture – because of the low payout.