man o war
AS FONTERRA last month announced a 33% surge in half-year net profit, its share price had another story to tell.
Published in Opinion
MORE THAN a few farmers would have coughed up their morning coffee on March 13 when they looked at the front page of the New Zealand Herald.  There was a photo of a cow looking up at a rifle muzzle and about to get a bullet. 
Published in Opinion
A SHEEP breed which promises to add-value to both meat and wool was launched at last month’s South Island Agricultural Field Days.
Published in Management
BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS (TB) is these days most likely to enter your herd on the back of a truck, warns a retiring TBfree NZ stalwart with a lifetime’s experience of managing the disease control effort.
Published in Farm Health
SEVERAL EXHIBITORS at the recent South Island Agricultural Field Days, Lincoln, were supported by manufacturers who’d flown half-way round the world to support their products.
Published in Machinery & Products
It was a headline to strike fear into the hearts of the New Zealand wine industry, even if there were many shaking their heads at its validity.
Published in Opinion
As more and more growers become aware of the impact of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (leafroll virus), action is increasingly being taken to remove infected vines.
Published in General News
The good news is – vine nurseries are back in business after four years of having their backs to the walls. 
Published in General News
While Pinot Noir 2013 provided plenty of food for thought, there were also the lighter moments, such as Sam Neill’s opening address. Very much tongue in cheek, he provided a synopsis of advice he had given to a male friend who was considering planting a Pinot block. The 10 pointers are worth repeating.
Published in General News
A total of $8.8 million has been awarded to 42 projects around the country after the latest round of the Sustainable Farming Fund, Minister for Primary Industries Nathan Guy says.
Published in General News
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