man o war
OFF-PEAK MILK production doesn’t necessarily mean intensive feeding, says a new study from Dairy Australia.
Published in World News
WHILE THE drought is terribly painful to many dairy farmers – essentially it’s ruined a bumper season – it has brought to the fore some issues worth considering.
Published in Opinion
Dairy Women's Network chief executive Sarah Speight has stepped down from the role.
Published in General News
DairyNZ is reminding dairy farmers to prepare for new employees as the new season nears.
Published in General News
The North Island weekly lamb kill dropped 50% in the space of two week as the availability of killable lambs plummets.
Published in Markets
Farmer feedback points to a big turnout of farmers tomorrow for the Meat Industry Excellence (MIE) meeting in Christchurch, says Blair Gallagher, the local organising chairman.
Published in General News
THE SEARCH is on for the best ice creams in New Zealand. Entries close April for an awards ceremony in Wellington on May 30.
Published in Agribusiness
THE 2013 Taranaki Sharemilker/Equity Farmers of the Year, Rachel and Kenneth Short, have become the first family to claim two generations of success in the awards.
Published in Management
WHEN SYNLAIT Farms was announced as a Lincoln University Foundation South Island Farmer of the Year finalist, chief executive Juliet Maclean stressed the value they place on the people in their business.
Published in Management
A NEW one-day tractor pulling contest was popular at the Central District Field Days this month, the organiser says.
Published in Machinery & Products
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