man o war
Protest meetings in Victoria and South Australia, further planned demonstrations and a direct meeting have all left Federal Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig unmoved.
Published in World News
THE THREAT of climate change to global agriculture will be the focus of an international conference in the United States this month.
Published in World News
THE 2013 year started with reasonable optimism. Dairy production was tracking nicely and dairy prices took off. For sheep there was hope that new Asian demand for lamb and wool would bring a move in the right direction. Meanwhile, the US drought last year meant demand for our beef, grains and produce were looking healthy. 
Published in Agribusiness
DROUGHT BEHAVIOUR renders deeply questionable the concept of co-operative companies being for the benefit and fair treatment of shareholders.
Published in Opinion
EVER HEARD people talk about their “BHAG”?
Published in Management
ANOTHER WEEK, another suite of big nights for North Island dairy farmers as the annual awards season gets into full swing.
Published in Management
A HILL farm in the west, and a 5000ha station in the east are the latest winners in the annual round of regional Ballance Farm Environment Awards.
Published in Management
The future of New Zealand's horticulture industry could rest with finalists in the 2013 Young Horticulturist of the Year contest.
Published in General News
THE FASTER you get a dog with twisted gut to the vet’s, the more likely it can be saved, so don’t delay.
Published in Farm Health
THOUSANDS OF cattle and deer herds have had TB movement controls or testing requirements removed or scaled down thanks to the success of the TB-free New Zealand programme, says the Animal Health Board.
Published in Farm Health
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