man o war
I’VE JUST had the top spec Mitsubishi 2.2 Diesel Outlander VRX for a week and to be honest there are things I’m going to miss. It is very easy to get accustomed to luxury. 
Published in Machinery & Products
Zespri will allocate 1130ha of licences for the more Psa-tolerant gold kiwifruit cultivar Gold3 to its growers in 2013, as the next step in the Psa recovery pathway – 288ha more than planned.
Published in General News
Ross Hyland, an influential figure in both agribusiness and the commercial sector, has become Meat Industry Excellence's (MIE) first key appointment.
Published in General News
iFarm has adjusted their lamb price outlook upwards again this month with expectations for short supplies globally and signs of improving demand.
Published in Markets
Civil Defence is urging farmers to move stock away from areas of flood, landslide or power line risk as a winter storm looms over the country.
Published in General News
An agribusiness roadshow on high profit/low environmental impact farming systems will continue through the country from this month with two events at Waikato, says HerdHomes company founder Tom Pow.
Published in General News
A MARKET is emerging in China for cleaner, greener food and if this could happen in China, it could happen anywhere, says Australian sustainability advisor Paul Gilding.
Published in General News
FARMER GROUPS across Australia have applauded the Federal Government’s Farm Finance package, unveiled in late April.
Published in World News
THERE ARE growing concerns about the actions – or lack of them in many cases – of the Ministry for Primary Industries in relation to its core functions.
Published in Opinion
OUR RURAL communities and our rural businesses remain the backbone to New Zealand’s success. The pragmatism and clear-sightedness of rural people is essential to the public debate we’re currently having about how the country is run, and what’s important for our future.
Published in Opinion
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