man o war
SITTING IN the World Farmers Organisation general assembly in Japan – the ‘UN of farming’ – I was struck by how farmers feed families the world over. 
Published in Opinion
FOR MOST months of last year the Tomoporakau Stream leaving the Southland Demonstration Farm contained less nitrate than when it flowed onto the property.
Published in Management
IT’S GOING to take time and considerable investment to meet the measures Otago Regional Council is promoting to improve water quality, judging by the comments of two south Otago sheep and beef farmers to a recent Beef + Lamb New Zealand nutrient nous seminar.
Published in Management
EXTRA VIGILANCE is needed in changing diets with dairy cows, particularly as the use of bought in supplements increases, says a fertiliser and nutrition firm that has good cause to be making such warnings.
Published in Farm Health
LIGHT EWES, likely due to the recent drought, deserve all the help they can get prior to lambing this year, says Merial.
Published in Farm Health
THE AWARD-WINNING Deutz Fahr 7250 TTV tractor will be a strong motive-power attraction at Fieldays this year, claims its local distributor.
Published in Machinery & Products
LANDCORP IS testing ATV Lifeguard quad rollover frames on two of its farms, reports the maker, Ag-Tech.
Published in Machinery & Products
BEFORE YOU make costly changes to meet environmental regulations ask your regional council some key questions, delegates at an ATS Federated Farmers nutrient seminar in Ashburton last week were told.
Published in General News
WILL FONTERRA shareholders eventually have to “do a Mighty River and sell 49%” to meet the capital gap needed for industry growth?
Published in General News
I HAVE recently been involved in an industry forum on safety and well-being in the primary sector. This was prompted by recent reviews of mental health in rural communities which identified some disturbing statistics regarding the incidence of depression and suicides in our rural communities. 
Published in Agribusiness
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