man o war
Industry body DairyNZ is strongly supporting the Government's move towards comprehensive environment reporting, saying that credible and consistent information is essential for the country.
Published in General News
AUSTRALIAN FARMERS are backing a Government initiative to prevent potentially dangerous chemicals falling into the hands of terrorists.
Published in World News
TWO FORMERLY fierce rivals in avocado exporting say their successful collaboration could signal the way forward for other export industries.
Published in Agribusiness
THE NEW dairy industry accord designed to clean up waterways has been hailed by industry, councils and farmers, but it has drawn only lukewarm support from environmental groups.
Published in Opinion
DESPITE SMILING Auckland Mayor Len Brown’s frequent TV utterances that the city is of one mind and moving united towards a rosy future (centred on an underground rail tunnel near Queen Street), the schism between Auckland’s parts has never been greater. 
Published in Opinion
RECENT CASES of TB in surveillance only areas are prompting questions not only about how they occurred, but the communication between TBfree New Zealand and farmers in those areas.
Published in Farm Health
MITSUBISHI ALREADY had a great car on its hands with the smart little ASX. 
Published in Machinery & Products
HILL COUNTRY farmers should put their efforts and energy into increasing lambing and calving rates, rather than trying to finish stock.
Published in Management
WELL MANAGED woodchip is the best stand-off for cow care judging by the findings of a Dairy NZ research project.
Published in Management
NEW ZEALAND dairy is one area in which we are already the world’s best.  Our 11,500 dairy farms are, like the All Blacks, the best there is.  They produce, along with the processing sector, about three out of every ten dollars New Zealand earns from the rest of the world.
Published in Opinion
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