man o war
Fonterra Shareholders Council chairman, Ian Brown and deputy chairman Philip Palmer have been re-elected for another term.
Published in General News
THE DAIRY industry is joining forces with regional councils to tackle water quality.
Published in General News
THE AMERICANS are excited about a Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement because those markets will be the areas of world population growth, says Craig Lynch from Beef+Lamb NZ.
Published in General News
ON TELEVISION and radio, in newspapers or at farming field days, more and more advertisements and conversations are about alternatives to main stream agriculture: is there a better way to produce food by a more ‘holistic’ approach?
Published in Opinion
SOWING RATE could be a bigger driver of pasture persistance than cultivar heritage, an ongoing DairyNZ study suggests.
Published in Management
DOGS WORKING cattle are always at risk but it goes hand in hand with owning a farm or working on one. No matter how careful we are, how clever our dog is, or how quiet the cattle, an expensive canine injury can happen in the blink of an eye.
Published in Farm Health
Associate Professor Andrew Allan, an expert in plant molecular physiology, has been appointed the new director of the Joint Graduate School in Plant and Food Science.
Published in General News
GLOBAL DAIRY prices will remain elevated, but keep drifting down slowly from April highs, say two major bank economists.
Published in General News
AN ATTEMPT by a central North Island Maori trust to buy two dairy farms owned by the Chinese company Shanghai Pengxin has been rejected, despite the Chinese company having asked the trust to put in a bid.
Published in General News
MORE DIVERSITY of pasture species diversity could give dairy farmers more options for managing environmental impacts and improving pasture resilience during drought, says Dr Sharon Woodward, DairyNZ senior scientist. 
Published in General News
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OPINION: If you believe Maori Party president John Tamihere’s claim that “nothing dodgy” occurred at Manurewa Marae during the last…

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