man o war
ABOUT 200 farmers gathered in Central Hawke’s Bay last week to find out more about the Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme and its potential to irrigate 25,000ha extra land.
Published in Agribusiness
LINCOLN UNIVERSITY Dairy Farm held its third focus day of the year earlier this month, reflecting on the season gone, the one to come, and system research at the university’s facility across the road. Andrew Swallow reports.
Published in Management
WINTERING IS a recognised nutrient-loss hotspot for dairy but there are ways to manipulate losses without eco-n or investing in wintering barns, it seems.
Published in Management
TWO CLUSTERS of TB infections on dairy farms in Taranaki this year are a reminder to farmers everywhere not to drop their guard on the disease, say industry representatives.
Published in Machinery & Products
A dirty pipe at Fonterra's Hautapu factory in Waikato threatens to knock the co-op's infant formula business on the head.
Published in General News
Fonterra will this morning release more details of a food scare involving three batches of whey protein concentrate manufactured in New Zealand last year.
Published in General News
NIWA is forecasting a warm, early spring. Temperatures over the August to October period are "very likely" to be above average in the North Island regions and in the north of the South Island. They are "likely" to be average or above average in the east and west of the South Island.
Published in General News
The 2014 New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards will take place in 11 regions, including a merged Southland/Otago region.
Published in General News
The 7000 bales of South Island wools on offer this week saw a slightly easier market overall with an 82% clearance, reports NZ Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson.
Published in General News
Fruit and berry grower Julian Raine has been elected president of Horticulture New Zealand.
Published in General News
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