man o war
South Waikato farmer Helen Mandeno recently delivered a speech at Beef + Lamb NZ's annual meeting in Nelson. She spoke in support of her remit on B+LNZ seeking majority consensus from levy payers before advancing policies that may threaten NZ's pure, grass-fed and non-GE status. Here's part of what she said:
Published in Opinion
Anyone carrying out illegal earthworks to realign or reclaim waterways may face prosecution and potentially a hefty fine, Taranaki Regional Council says.
Published in General News
The Director General of MPI, Ray Smith says it's important for his department to celebrate the success of a whole range of groups and people around the country.
Published in General News
A small company which mobilised veterinarians around the country to deal with Mycoplasma bovis was one of the winners in this year's Biosecurity Awards, held at Parliament.
Published in General News
One of the country's leading experts on China has praised the NZ Government for its handling of the recent incident with China over that country's cyber attack on two of our parliamentary institutions in 2021.
Published in General News
A new report has revealed the full impact of Cyclone Gabrielle on Hawke’s Bay’s principals and teachers.
Published in General News
Hopes of NZ sheepmeat prices picking up anytime soon in the country's key export market of China looks highly unlikely.
Published in General News
Lack of progress in repairing the stretch of State Highway 2 between Wairoa and Napier is angering Wairoa Mayor Craig Little.
Published in General News
AgriZeroNZ, a joint venture fast-tracking emissions reduction tools for farmers, is pouring $5 million in a biotech company to develop a low emissions farm pasture with increased productivity gains.
Published in General News
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