man o war
FONTERRA IS the fourth-largest dairy company globally in Rabobank’s rankings released last week but the bank expects vigorous competition in the coming year as companies ‘jostle’ to position themselves for changing markets.
Published in General News
AS FONTERRA’S Kauri factory in Northland kicked into gear on July 5, the cooperative was finishing off $100 million of maintenance upgrade nationwide.
Published in General News
HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN breeders Wayne and Leeanne Taylor are humbled that their cow, Muritai Dalton Wattle EX 17*ET is the inaugural 2012 Valden cow of the year.
Published in Agribusiness
WILL TRADITIONAL wintering systems on crop be sustainable under nutrient loss limits?
Published in Management
WINTER IS traditionally a good time for planting trees as soil temperatures are low and the roots can more easily acclimatise to any new environment they’re planted in. So it’s timely to talk about how using trees to create shelterbelts on farms can provide a range of environmental, economic and animal welfare benefits.
Published in Management
WHAT BIGGER herds have taken away, technology may give back,  says Landcorp chief executive Chris Kelly.
Published in Management
The Fonterra Shareholders Council has elected Ian Brown as its chairman.
Published in General News
SHAUN CONNOR, farming near Shannon, Horowhenua, will later this week start the onerous task of calving. It’ll be a busy time for the 50/50 sharemilker calving the 240 cows on the 80ha farm.
Published in Farm Health
A NEW 3-point linkage sprayer from Hardi allows the operator to stay in the tractor cab during spraying, and to expect less of the downtime sometimes suffered by booms during travel.
Published in Machinery & Products
NEW ZEALAND is often referred to as the land of the long white cloud. 
Published in Machinery & Products
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