man o war
Often described as the Holy Grail of wines, Pinot Noir is a variety that aficionados can never get enough of.
Published in General News
Removing rubbish from the vineyard floor after pruning is seen as an essential part of the botrytis prevention strategy. But what about the tendrils left on canes? Are they a botrytis risk?
Published in General News
In terms of the New Zealand wine industry, it appears a year is a very long time. Twelve months ago, the industry was lamenting the issue of over supply, bulk wine exports, and a lack of profitability.
Published in Opinion
THE IMAGE presented by the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) and the Crafar Farms situation made New Zealand look like “Mickey Mouse turkeys” to German company BayWa, says Geoff Hipkins, the new chief executive of Turners & Growers (T&G).
Published in General News
THE US Department of Agriculture’s latest forecast for the national corn and soybean harvests reflects what farmers have been seeing for the past two months: vanishing prospects for a good year as their crops wilt from lack of water, a Purdue University specialist says.
Published in World News
THE BANKING industry should accept a good deal of responsibility for New Zealand’s level of agricultural debt and for lending beyond what was sensible, chairman of Rabobank and Air New Zealand, John Palmer says.
Published in Agribusiness
WAIPAOA STATION is about an hour inland from Gisborne, just off SH 2. It’s typical medium to steep East Coast hill country and once was a huge iconic station of some 13,000has. However, over time, parcels of land have been sold off and today the 1800ha effective property carries 16,000 stock units, split 50/50 sheep and beef.
Published in Management
RESULTS OF a grass weed management trial should serve as a reminder to all farmers, cropping or otherwise, to be wary of over reliance on chemical controls, says the Foundation of Arable Research.
Published in Management
HORSE CASTRATION by anyone other than a vet or suitably supervised vet student is illegal and risks a fine of $50,000 or 12 months in prison, says the Ministry for Primary Industries.
Published in Farm Health
INVESTING IN automated mastitis detection isn’t cheap, yet at present there’s little comparable data to help guide the decision.
Published in Farm Health
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