man o war
STARLINGS HAVE caused at least $9 million damage to farm tractors during the past five years, says rural insurer FMG.  Birds love to nest in warm, dry places -- especially tractor engines. But the resulting straw can easily catch fire and destroy a tractor.
Published in Machinery & Products
ROBOTIC MILKING of housed cows, ‘slow’ and organic foods and bio-energy are three stand-out impressions for 28 New Zealand farmers who arrived home on August 5 from a 25-day tour of Scandanavia that closed with a brief stop in Russia.
Published in Machinery & Products
WAYNE PERKINS and Nick Wansink travelled recently to Australia to display the Perkinz range of sheep-handling equipment at the Sheepvention field days held yearly in Hamilton, Victoria. Their products received four awards.
Published in Machinery & Products
DairyNZ will hold workshops on herd reproductive performance in Northland during August and September in a bid to improve the region's 57% six-week in-calf rate.
Published in General News
Former fertiliser consultant Jim Galloway takes a scientific approach to nutrient use on his Nireaha dairy farm, west of Eketahuna.
Published in General News
The National Beekeepers' Association is kicking off 'Love Our Kiwi Bees', a nationwide campaign to protect bees. National Bee Week in New Zealand runs from Monday (August 20) to August 24.
Published in General News
PIPFRUIT NEW Zealand has appointed Nelson fruitgrower Nadine Tunley as its new chair.
Published in General News
DairyNZ scientist Dr Jeremy Bryant takes up his position this week as the new manager of New Zealand Animal Evaluation Ltd (NZAEL).
Published in General News
FONTERRA CHAIRMAN-ELECT John Wilson has one hurdle to clear before he takes the helm of the co-op in December – and he’s happy about it.
Published in General News
SOUTH CANTERBURY dairy farmer Alvin Reid has been awarded a Lincoln University Medal for long and meritorious voluntary service to the university.
Published in Management
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