man o war
AUSTRALIA HAS often been called the lucky country, largely because ot its mineral wealth. But fresh water resources make New Zealand a far luckier country. Managed wisely, that resource will be available for generations to come.
Published in Opinion
START COOLING grain from the day it comes off the paddock to minimise risk of infestation or other problems down the track.
Published in Management
HOW DO you assess whether a paddock needs renewing? The Pasture Renewal Charitable Trust is encouraging use of a condition scoring system akin to those used to assess cattle or sheep.
Published in Management
COMPANIES AND products certified to Fertmark standards are at an all-time high, but a standard for product spread quality remains elusive, says Fertiliser Quality Council chairman, Neil Barton.
Published in Management
THE WANGANUI Dog Trial Centre has started fundraising to enable it to hold the New Zealand championships at Mowhanga, near Taihape, in 2015. 
Published in Machinery & Products
The controversial issue of interest rate swaps should be examined by select committee, says Labour's Primary Industry spokesperson Damien O'Connor.
Published in General News
Rural insurer, FMG, has announced the prize draw winners of their milk quality awareness campaign.
Published in General News
Any increase in farmer confidence comes from the dairy sector and even that is off a low base. That is one of Federated Farmers' conclusions from its 2012/13 Mid-Season Farm Confidence Survey.
Published in General News
Waterways in some parts of the Waikato have now dropped to flows which trigger restrictions on water takes, and the threat of this happening in other parts of the region is increasing, the Waikato Regional Council says.
Published in General News
A Morrinsville farmer has been fined more than $33,000 for illegally discharging dairy effluent into the environment. The volume of effluent was such that cows' udders were dragging in it.
Published in General News
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