man o war
RURAL INSURANCE company FMG has awarded 15 prizes to farmers as part of its milk quality awareness campaign.
Published in Agribusiness
What steps can we take to reduce nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching without using DCD?  Professor Mike Wilkinson of Nottingham University, UK, outlines some options for milk producers.
Published in Management
THE DISCOVERY of DCD in milk is a minor food safety concern compared with the animal, human and environmental effects of New Zealand’s high level of synthetic fertiliser use, says biological farming exponent Phyllis Tichinin.
Published in Farm Health
DELAVAL WILL this week join the 1400 exhibitors at the three-day World Ag Expo in California, reckoned the world’s largest annual farming show.
Published in Machinery & Products
FACIAL ECZEMA (FE) is a disease with a huge economic impact in the warm humid areas of New Zealand, points out Robin Pharmaceuticals, maker of the FiltaBac treatment for the disease.
Published in Machinery & Products
PLANT PESTS had better look out in Manawatu region. Horizons Regional Council’s ‘Woody Weedbuster’ will be drumming up interest at Central Districts Field Days, encouraging young and old to wage war on weeds that do no good to farms and the environment.
Published in Machinery & Products
Northland's dairy farmers have received qualified praise for their increased compliance with farm dairy effluent resource standards but there's still plenty of room for improvement, those doing the monitoring say.
Published in General News
Speak to any New Zealand winemaker of Pinot Noir – past, present or up-and-coming – and they’ve undoubtedly spent time or worked a vintage in Oregon.
Published in General News
Tim van de Molen is the second Grand Finalist in 2013 after he won the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Regional Final for the ANZ Young Farmer Contest on Saturday, February 16 in Hamilton at St Paul's Collegiate School.
Published in General News
Three-time Ballance Farm Environment Award winner Dan Steele is on a mission to make New Zealand a better place for the future.
Published in General News
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