man o war
Three upcoming Waikato SMASH (Smaller Milk and Supply Herds) events will tackle three thought-provoking topics – energy use, pasture persistence and robotic milking.
Published in General News
Westland Milk Products customers are being assured food safety and human health has not been put at risk by the discovery of traces of DCD in some of its own samples this week.
Published in General News
Judging gets underway this week in the 2013 New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards.
Published in General News
The Alliance Group is now supplying Pure South beef, venison and lamb to a restaurant in Singapore's iconic waterfront precinct.
Published in General News
The Red Meat sector will get $32 million in PGP funding for a collaborative programme to push for the adoption of best practice by sheep and beef farmers.
Published in General News
There’s a big difference between farmers being experienced with quad bikes and being competent to use them across a wide range of tasks according to Ona de Rooy, general manage health and safety operations at the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MIBE).
Published in General News
Lamb producers could learn from New Zealand tourism by targeting top-end Chinese markets, says Westpac economist Nathan Penny.
Published in Agribusiness
A sea-faring mate of the Hound tells of an encounter with a marine weatherman in Russell, Bay of Islands, while boating there over the festive season.
Published in The Hound
Your old mate is well aware of the disdain many farmers hold for the shiny suits and paper shufflers who work in offices.
Published in The Hound
WAIKATO FARMER Dave Muggeridge’s farming philosophy is simple: keep grass in good condition and monitor growth weekly.
Published in Management
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