man o war
Cattle continue to pour out for slaughter with cows leading the charge. Some companies continue to focus heavily on killing cows with less space being allocated for steer or bull.
Published in Markets
Environment Southland is closely monitoring river and groundwater levels as dry weather continues in the region, with no significant rain predicted until next Friday, March 15.
Published in General News
RESEARCH AND Development hubs such as Lincoln, Ruakura and Palmerston North are a great asset but they should have more input from private companies as well as the traditional institutions of the universities and Crown Research Institutes, says Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce.
Published in General News
FERTILISER COMPANY Ballance says it shares farmers’ sentiment that nitrate inhibitors containing DCD should be allowed back on the market. 
Published in General News
THE IRISH dairy industry is preparing for the lifting of restrictions by the European Union (EU) that limit the amount of milk farmers throughout Europe can produce. The quota under the common agricultural policy (CAP) comes off in 2015.
Published in World News
SIX EUROPEAN nations’ dairy farms and research bodies have launched a €3.1m (NZ$4.8m), three-year project to develop technology integrating robotic milking of cows with grazing.
Published in World News
NUFFIELD IRELAND has released a report ‘Dairy Cooperatives for the 21st Century’ written by County Waterford dairy farmer David Murphy, reports ICOS, the Irish Cooperative Organisation Society.
Published in Opinion
FONTERRA’S MILK for Schools scheme has secured its first co-sponsor – Fisher & Paykel, supplying Fonterra with discounted fridges for each of the participating schools. 
Published in Agribusiness
FENCING WATERWAYS on-farm has many benefits. It helps stabilise banks by preventing treading and erosion, and reduces the risk of stock bogging or drowning.
Published in Management
CUTTING MILKING time by up to an hour could be a big reward for the 160-190 people who turned up to the MilkSmart seminar held at Morrinsville last Tuesday.
Published in Management
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