man o war
Fonterra is joining forces with another home-grown New Zealand business to ensure the milk kids are drinking through the Fonterra Milk for Schools programme is perfectly chilled.
Published in General News
Education support manager at Taratahi, Steve Hannam, was invited to speak at the International Conference on Community Colleges in India at the beginning of February.
Published in General News
Dairy farmer cooperative, LIC, has recorded strong performance in the first six months of the financial year, with growth in farmer demand for products and services which have a direct impact on income generating production.
Published in General News
From Bruce Wills, president of Federated Farmers "The New Zealand wool industry is currently weak and fragmented to the point of being dysfunctional," writes Sandra Faulkner in her Nuffield Farming Scholarship report.
Published in General News
Farmgate prices for beef are heading south at present in both the North and the South Islands.
Published in Markets
IF DROUGHT conditions continue next week, it’s ‘crunch time’ for decision-making on beef and dairy farms in Northland and Waikato.
Published in General News
WOOLS OF NZ chairman Mark Shadbolt says directors are confident the company will raise the $5 million minimum required by February 25 in its share offer to growers – and it aims for $10 million.
Published in General News
DAVID CARTER says his greatest achievement during four years as Minister for Primary Industry was bringing his cabinet and caucus colleagues to greater awareness of the importance of the agricultural sector to the country’s economy.
Published in General News
WHILE THE hot, dry weather that’s hit Hawkes Bay has caused grief to many sheep farmers, it’s been a bonus for wool.
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YIELDS ARE good and headers ahead of schedule as cropping farmers reel in this year’s grass, cereal and small seed crops.
Published in General News
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