AN INCREASE in milk volumes expected as a result of the abolition of the EU’s milk quota are already showing up says Arla Foods chief executive Peder Tuborgh.
Published in World News
THERE’S RARELY a dull moment in dairy these days, and in many ways the past month has been an eventful one. In addition to the finalisation of 2013-14 milk prices and financial results for most processors, the oft-mentioned targeting of ‘high-value markets’ took further shape with deals such as the infant formula joint venture between Fonterra and Beingmate, in which Australian milk and facilities will play a key role. 
Published in Opinion
IN 2013, China imported 2 .1 million tonnes of dairy worth US$8.8 billion, making it the largest importer of milk products in the world. Imports have increased 45% in the last five years, a trend gathering pace.
Published in Agribusiness
IF WE DON'T look after all natural pollinators, particularly the honey bee, we could see economic and social collapse, says John Hartnell, Federated Farmers Bees chairperson and a Christchurch-based exporter of bee products.
Published in General News
TARATAHI AGRICULTURAL Training Centre has signed a memorandum of understanding with the China Rural Technology Development Centre (CRTD).
Published in General News
THE WINE industry is on track to become a $2 billion export business by the end of 2020, says New Zealand Winegrowers chairman Steve Green.
Published in Agribusiness
AUSTRALIAN DAIRY Farmers (ADF) have launched a selfie campaign to push for a China free trade agreement which they say will put them on an equal footing with New Zealand farmers.
Published in General News
Synlait Milk has received MPI approval of its risk management programme at its dry blending and consumer packaging plant.
Published in General News
FONTERRA FARMERS are welcoming the co-op's infant formula joint venture in China.
Published in General News
NEW ZEALAND'S second largest dairy cooperative Westland Milk Products has revised its payout prediction for the 2014-15 season to $5.40 - $5.80/kgMS.
Published in General News
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