A2 IS planning to launch into the North American fresh milk market. It launched in China in November and is growing in Australia and the UK.
Published in Agribusiness
THE MINISTRY for Primary Industry (MPI) will look “quite different” as a result of an “alignment process” that started last week, says the new chief executive, Martyn Dunne.
Published in General News
THE YEAR IS shaping up to be “intriguing” for the global dairy market with China the “wildcard”, says Rabobank.  
Published in Agribusiness
DESPITE A STRENGTHENING NZ dollar and a larger weekly offering of wool, the market was generally firm to dearer, says New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson.
Published in General News
NZ PRIME MINISTER John Key will discuss the Government's inquiry into Fonterra false-alarm food safety scare last year with top leaders when he visits China this month.
Published in General News
MOVE OVER New Zealand milkpowder, here come the avocados.
Published in Agribusiness
WORLD FOOD prices fell for the first time in three months in January despite the dizzy heights of the dairy market and a recent rally in grains.
Published in Machinery & Products
I am writing this as I set out to attend New Zealand Winegrowers’ 2014 Annual Trade Tasting in London. This event has been a key feature of the New Zealand effort in the UK for over 30 years, and once again this year I expect there will be a very strong attendance of trade, media and consumers.
Published in Opinion
FONTERRA PLANS a $32 million expansion of its slice-on-slice cheese capacity at its Collingwood St site in Eltham, Taranaki.
Published in General News
DAIRY IS perfectly poised to become the most trusted source of protein for diets for all age groups and all markets, says Fonterra director John Monaghan.
Published in General News
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