Ever wondered what would happen if China attempted to become self sufficient in dairy?
Published in Milking It
Waikato Milking Systems product and project manager Andy Geissmann believes there’s plenty of scope for Kiwis working in the emerging sheep and goat dairy sectors to export.
Published in General News
With the US dairy industry now it in its fifth year of low prices and third year of trade wounds, president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation in the US, Jim Mulhern looks at what could come next.
Published in World News
Was last week’s 3.4% drop in the Global Dairy Trade overall price index a warning sign or a temporary dip? Economists are divided.
Published in General News
OPINION: The international trading system is facing one of its biggest challenges in recent times.
Published in Opinion
Farmers are backing Fonterra’s review of assets and overseas joint ventures as it grapples with strengthening its balance sheet.
Published in General News
Fonterra's wide forecast payout for this new season will make farmers happy, says Federated Farmers Waikato president Andrew McGiven.
Published in General News
The escalating trade war between the US and China will impact NZ trade, warns special agricultural trade envoy Mike Petersen.
Published in General News
New Zealand horticulture is well on track to meet its goal of $10 billion by 2020.
Published in General News
Softer whole milk powder (WMP) prices are not surprising given China’s strong import activity recently and the steadily increasing WMP pricing, says Rabobank dairy analyst Emma Higgins.
Published in General News
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