Tuesday, 13 August 2024 15:25

Give it back!

Written by  The Hound

OPINION: Most of the country's wage slaves will welcome the extra coin left in their wallets thanks to National's tax cuts.

While some reckon that the extra - an average $24 per week - only compensates for half of the 'fiscal drag' of years of inflation pushing workers into higher tax brackets, in tough times, an extra Tux in the dog bowl isn't to be sniffed at.

And as for the critics of the cuts - lefties and Labour proxies masquerading as 'concerned citizens - who have been disingenuously and grandly declaring "we don't even want or need the tax cut", your old mate has a simple solution - give it back!

There's a Treasury bank account available for receiving donations, but the Hound doubts they'll be overrun with donations from these 'tax is love' hypocrites.

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