Thursday, 26 September 2024 14:28

UAE trade deal to boost halal exports

Written by  Sudesh Kissun
Meat Industry Association chair Nathan Guy. Meat Industry Association chair Nathan Guy.

A new trade agreement between New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) could boost New Zealand’s halal meat exports.

Meat Industry Association chair Nathan Guy notes that with a population where over 75% are Muslim, the UAE is a key halal market that is increasingly looking for reliable sources of high-quality red meat that meets their strict halal expectations.

“Halal-certified exports made up 37% of total red meat exports and were worth approximately $3 billion in 2023/24, so New Zealand is well placed to meet the UAE’s red meat needs.”

The trade deal, announced today, will eliminate all tariffs on frozen beef and sheepmeat from New Zealand upon on entry into force of the agreement. The total UAE tariffs for frozen beef and sheepmeat is currently 5%, costing the sector approximately $750,000 in 2023. Chilled products are already tariff-free.

Guy says the UAE is New Zealand’s 21st largest market by value so there is huge potential to grow.

“The UAE is an important market for New Zealand’s red meat sector, generating $47 million of export earnings in 2023/24, making it the second largest market in the Gulf Cooperation Council after Saudi Arabia.

“It is among the world’s wealthiest economies and there is increasing demand in the market for the high-quality, safe, sustainable, and nutritious products that New Zealand can provide.”

Beef + Lamb New Zealand chair Kate Acland says New Zealand farmers are raising sheep and cattle to provide the UAE market with the high quality, safe, sustainable and nutritious products they are seeking.

“It’s a tough time financially for farmers currently and this news is a welcome boost. Improving market access settings for New Zealand’s beef and sheepmeat is critical with approximately 60% of export revenues flowing through to farmers. 

“We know food security is a priority for the UAE with international trade identified as a key enabler, and beef in particular, cited in their strategy as a key food item to secure supply in.

“The UAE has a strong interest in environmental sustainability, and with our strong environmental credentials we can provide consumers with assurances that the food they are eating aligns with their values,” Acland says.

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